Configure connection between LobbyPMS and Part 3

Part 3

After completing part 1 and 2 you can proceed to synchronize the rooms created in Optiloding with the rooms created in Myallocator.

Start by entering LobbyPMS, Configurations > Channel Manager where you will be presented with a login screen. Enter your Myallocator Username and Password

The following page will display a list of room configurations where you are able to create equivalent rooms to be used in Myallocator.

After making this configuration, Myallocator will synchronize the availability and rates which are set up on LobbyPMS for a 2 year period.


  • Lobby PMS will not import the individual reservations, that already exist in  MyAllocator, only the reservations received after the synchronization will be imported.


  • It is advisable to fill all existing reservations before completing the synchronization.
    LobbyPMS synchronizes the calendar and the reservations in pre-established intervals and / or after an update in the availability. If you want to manually synchronize the calendar, simply click on the button with the letter "M" in the Lobby PMS reservation calendar.

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